So, recap of tonights meeting….
Meditation is like taking the emergency brake off and allowing you to not have to push on the gas so hard like you would if you tried to drive with the brake on. The following are guidelines for meditation
1- Meditate 6-7 minutes EVERY DAY
2- Be in the same place physically when you meditate (the couch, the porch, your bedroom, etc)
3- Take 6-7 deep cleansing breaths before beginning (inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth)
4- While breathing focus on the base of your nostrils. This allows your brain to be clear on what it wants and helps eliminate the distractions around you.
5- Visualize! Use your senses to visualize yourself and your surroundings.
Remember that 1 hour of meditation = 7 hours of work. Meditation is key to making sure that the mind, body and spirit are all linked together. Once you get them all working together, the magic begins!
There are 9 Guidelines for creating your affirmations, which are:
1- Always Start Them With “I AM” (There is great power is those two words)
2- Use Present Tense
3- Make sure they are positive
4- Keep them brief
5- Get Specific about what you want in them
6- Throw in the “ing”, use active verbs such as “I am CONFIDANTLY EXERCISING AND ENJOYING MY HEALTHY LIFE”
7- Include one dynamic word in each affirmation such as: enjoying, joyfully, happily, serenity, etc.
8- Make the affirmations for YOU…. not for others.
9- Always add “this or something better”. Sometimes there is more in store for us than what we have in store for ourselves.
“Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.”
We were each given small Gratitude Stones to put in our pocket to remind us every time we put our hands in our pockets to be grateful. Giving thanks is a crucial step to becoming great. What are you grateful for? When the rocks were passed around there was 1 purple one that I saw and instantly knew that I had to have THAT rock! Purple is the color of royalty and we are ALL kings and queens and deserve the very best in life. We need to tap into that nobility within us and make sure we are showing gratitude as we make manifest that royalty within each of us.
Remember the following words of advice from RaQuett as you follow the program:
1- Slow Down! Take time to stop always doing. We always have a million things to do, are always running to and fro like chickens with our heads cut off. This is a journey, not a marathon. Take the time to stop and ENJOY this journey. We are human BEINGS….. not human DOINGS!!!
2- Admit that you are powerless. We ALL need each other and this team is destined to be a support to each other. Call your team members when you are struggling. Get to know the other people on this team. Tap into others and to a higher power to make it.
3- GET PLENTY OF SLEEP!!! Our bodies cannot function properly without a good’s night of rest. We MUST get enough sleep to keep the cravings away, feel energized the next day and to have the stamina to fight this battle!
It was GREAT seeing each of you at the meeting tonight!! You all are so amazing and I feel so blessed and lucky to be a part of such an amazing team!
Thanks again Audrey for doing such a great job on this! This post really hit me, even though I took notes at the class, just reading it here this morning...again... WOW! It's going to be an awesome day!