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Re-Cap of Last Thursday's Meeting

9-24-09 Mind Body Spirit

(thanks to Julie for emailing the notes from the meeting)

Our Biggest Loser was--------Shane Brown!!! Way to go Shane!!!


Everything on the planet is energy. If you want to get jazzed about that, then study Quantum Physics. Start recognizing everyone’s energy. People who drain you are what Raquett calls energy suckers; they always talk about what is wrong in their world.

Our body vibrates at a lower frequency than our brain. Jack Canfield says “1 hour of visualization is equal to 7 hours of work.

By God and the Law of Attraction and by action you receive it (what you ask for). If you think negative you will attract negative. Monitor your feelings and change your thoughts. Change your state of mind. Rate your state of mind on a scale of 1-10, do I feel euphoric, good, depressed etc. What can you do to bring yourself up from a 5 or below? You can do this by asking yourself and empowering question, to shift your state of mind. Such as: Why am I feeling so great? Why are my kids so awesome? Why am I lean and fit? Make a list of empowering questions that pertain to you that you can use for yourself.

When you focus on a big goal you need to see your face in the future. That is the power of visualization, do 15 min. of meditation and visualization 3 times a day, (morning, noon, night). Keep a timer close by wherever you choose to sit and meditate.

Sometimes we try so hard to visualize what we want our life to be like, we forget what we already have. We need to remember and be grateful for what we have received.

Whatever we put our attention on appears. We have 60,000-70,000 thoughts a day.


No time to get to the gym? What can you do for exercise? Walk, go to the park, and use a medicine ball and 5, 8, 10 pound weights. As women age, 30 and up she loses about 1 pound of lean tissue mass a year. Sit on a body ball while watching TV and using hand weights at the same time. You want to do cardio every day, upper body, pecks; lower body should be done no more than every other day. Some things that are good for the upper body include: bicep curls and military press, lower body: lunges and squats, when doing squats do not allow your knees to cover your toes, you want to be able to see your toes. Butterfly is good for your pecks. If you want to work our upper and lower body together a good thing is to do bicep curls while doing squats. Abs are more resilient and can be worked daily, crunches are best including where you rest one ankle on the opposite knee and while doing your crunch twist to move the opposite shoulder toward the knee that is now in the air. Use these types of exercises at home when you are unable to get to the gym.

Raquett says she has a list of exercises to do with the medicine ball and will email them out.


We will be starting on step one on Oct. 8th.

Step 12 is Service---Find 2 people who are struggling with weight or body image and help them.

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