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Spotlight Saturday!!

Sorry I'm a little bit behind on things due to being out of town this past weekend. The spotlight for last week goes to.....

Julie Knight!!!

Julie is an AMAZING asset and part of our team. She acts as the secretary for the team. Along with that Julie has helped Glain see a loss of more than 100 pounds. We all know the importance of a good solid support while losing and struggling with the journey and I can only imagine how amazing of a supportive wife Julie has been for Glain. She is constantly texting, emailing, or facebook messaging other team members to check in on them and see how they are doing, lending advice and support and being a strong shoulder to lean upon. Julie has also done a remarkable job with her own weight loss journey and says that the product has changed her life and the way she feels. She truly has been a beacon of light to many in the group, always willing to lend a helping hand at a moment's notice and we feel so grateful to have her as part of our ISA Family.

I wish I had a picture to post of Julie but I couldn't find one anywhere.... however, I found this one and thought it was only fitting. I know its "cartoon looking" but when I saw this I thought of Julie, always willing to help others who feel like they are drowning and need someone to grab a hold of. So, here's to you Julie Knight, our spotlight of the week!!

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