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12 Step TUESDAY!

Step 1: Honesty

Key Principle: Admit that you, of yourself, are powerless to overcome your food addiction and that your life has become unmanageable.

Whatever our motive for starting to "use" food for reasons other than fueling our bodies, we soon discovered that the food relieved more than just physical pain. It provided stimulation or numbed out painful feelings or moods. We eat because of worry, loneliness, discouragement, regret or boredom. Food is such a socially acceptable drug of choice!! But it is still that if you are abusing it...... a drug!

Rarely do people caught in addictive behaviors admit to being addicted. To deny the seriousness of our condition and to avoid detection and the consequences of our choices, we tried to minimize or hide our behaviors. Food seems like such a socially acceptable addiction. It's fun, it's at every party and it has become such a huge problem, with most of Americans over weight. Research has shown that sugar is more addictive than heroin. White, refined flour is taking over our nation... these processed foods are killing people a little at a time!!

I have been to tons of "Personal Power" seminars that taught me how amazing I am and how powerful I am! SO this first step was very difficult for me to take. To truly admit that I had become powerless over food. How could me..... a nutrtionist, an intelligent person be powerless over food. Well the countless diets I had tried with little or no success actually opened my mind that maybe I was powerless over food. I finally had to get honest with myself and admitt that my life could definately be managed a little better.

Action Steps:

Nothing begins without an individual's will to make it begin. Freedom from addiction with a tiny flicker of will. Choose what you are going to abstain from. or life will degeneratively get worse. I chose to abstain from the most highly addictive foods such as sugar and white flour.

Let go of pride and seek humility. "Pride is essentially competitive in nature. We pit our will against God's. When we direct our pride toward God it is in the spirit of "my will and not thine be done"

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