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Workout Tip Wednesday

Thank you "Trainer Momma" for today's Workout Wednesday Tip. If you haven't seen this woman's blog you need to check it out! She is amazing!

Tricep Workout Part 1: Tricep Dips

So, you are waving goodbye to a good friend after a lovely lunch, but you notice that the flab under your arm is doing more waving than your hand. Not pretty.

Let's work on the muscles that every woman needs to focus on: the triceps, the group of muscles on the backside of the arms.

So here we go with an oldie, but goodie:

Tricep Workout Part 1:
Tricep Dips

To tone and build strength in the triceps.

A chair or bench of some sort.

Starting Position:
Face away from the bench, and place your hands on it behind you, knuckles foward. Your hands should be just on either side of your hips.

Your feet are straight out in front of you with the toes up and legs straight.

Hips MUST be touching bench.
Bend elbows straight back and lower yourself until your arms are at or near 90 degrees.
Too hard?:
Bring your feet in and bend your legs.

If you are just starting and 90 degrees with the elbows is too hard, bring your feet in and bend your knees even more. Try another dip. If 90 degrees is too difficult, then go down as far down as you can.
Trainer Momma Tips:
The tempo here is important. Go down in 2 seconds, hold for one second on the bottom, then up in 2 seconds. This is called a 2/1/2 count. This is a good, steady pace.

The farther out your feet are, the more difficult it is.

HIPS MUST BE TOUCHING THE BENCH AT ALL TIMES. I can't say this enough. It is common to let your hips drift forward. Correct it, correct it again, then correct it again. This puts a terrible torque on the shoulders and is bad form. Save the shoulders!
Cheater, Cheater:
Elbows must bend straight back, tuck them in! Do not let them flair out to the sides. If you can't help it, then bring the feet in a few more inches.

Go slow, don't take these too fast.

Workout Ideas:
Do 10-30 reps, then repeat 2- 3 times.

Do 15 reps, then hold at the bottom for 10 seconds, then push up to finish. Do 2 to 3 sets of these.

8,6,4,2: Do 8 dips, then hold at the bottom for 8 seconds. Do 6 dips, then hold at the bottom for 6 seconds. Do 4 dips, then hold at the bottom for 4 seconds. Do 2 dips, then hold at the bottom for 2 seconds. YOU ROCK!

Take It Up a Notch:
Raise the feet: Put your feet on another chair, bench, or better yet -- a stability ball -- to do your sets. Yowsers!
Raise one foot: Lift one foot for 10-15 reps, then the other foot for 10-15 reps. Repeat set 2-3 times. You wild woman, you! :)

So far, I have tried to give you some basic moves you can do at home OR at the gym. All the exercises thus far have been using body weight only. In the future, however, I will be posting moves that require some equipment.

Have a great day!

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